Our Green Pledge
We are, and always have been, committed to protecting and sustaining our environment. In fact, our long term commitment to ensure as a business we are environmentally responsible means we are constantly reviewing and updating our processes. Which is why we;
Use materials from well-managed forests
Have policies in place for energy-saving efficiency
Use paper supplied by a company that is certified by FSC
Make sure all our waste paper and card are turned into pulp, which is then ready for recycling. Any sensitive material is sent to secure pulp disposal
Our ink cartridges are collected by HP as part of their recycling management
Have created a green office space, in which small measures such as swapping plastic cups to mugs are constantly being implemented
Donate money for every tonne of paper we buy to the Woodland Trust who will be planting woodland in their accredited creation sites across the UK. We look forward to sharing with you how much we've donated each quarter.